by St Thalassios the Libyan
Christ, Master of all, free us from all these destructive passions and the thoughts born of them.
For Thy sake we came into being, so that we might delight in the paradise which Thou hast planted and in which Thou hast placed us.
We brought our present disgrace upon ourselves, preferring destruction to the delights of blessedness.
We have paid for this, for we have exchanged eternal life for death.
O Master, as once Thou hast looked on us, look on us now; as Thou becamest man, save all of us.
For Thou camest to save those who were lost. Do not exclude us from the company of those who are being saved.
Raise up our souls and bodies, cleansing us from all impurity.
Break the fetters of the passions that constrain us, as once Thou hast broken the ranks of the impure demons.
Free us from their tyranny, so that we may worship Thee alone, the eternal light,
Having risen from the dead and dancing with the angels in the blessed, eternal and indissoluble dance. Amen.
(from the Philokalia)
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